Mary-Katherine Fleming

Feb 11 min

Big Fun February!!!

Time to Get In SHIP SHAPE 🛳️

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"Time to Get Strong"

Ready to kick start a strength plan? Coach Nikkia's new program, Ship Shape starts tomorrow! Join us! Three days a week will supplement your running perfectly without burning you out.

We ask you to commit for three months, strength takes time!, but you can cancel anytime.

You are SO, So Loved

February is gonna be BIG FUN, whether you are in Ship Shape or not! The days are longer, the weather is warmer (at least the afternoons in Denver are!), and now that Flu B January is behind us, I am looking ahead to a season of building as well as hope. (Like, OMG I am HOPING flu season is behind us!!!!!!!)

One thing I hope you know all year long: you are #coachedandloved and #winningatlife. You are never alone, you are never so far behind you can't catch up, and you always belong wherever I am.

If you doubt this in any way, or if you just want me to remind you how loved you actually are, hop into Office Hours. I will help you make a plan and make sure it comes together! #coachedandloved Loving you is a dream come true, thank you for supporting my small, woman-owned business! Seriously- I wouldn't still be here without you.

Here is some Valentine inspiration! Got these for my kids to hand out. ❤️🥰




Apple Music Playlist
