#AskAway 6/14/20
Coach MK livestreams question and answer sessions each week on the Fitness Protection Program Facebook Page, The Fitness Protection
Program YouTube Channel, and Twitch, simultaneously. Join us! They are a lot of fun, super informative, and anyone may ask follow-up questions during the live broadcast!
This week, we take questions about transitioning into summer running as well as transitioning back to work.
Runner Interrupted
Char Gore is still feeling well enough to get her shuffle on!
Coach Nikkia celebrated her birthday this week!!
Sharla Manglass also celebrated her birthday and got in a birthday run with fellow build teammate Barbara Puckett
Christine Lancaster has her highest mileage week since her injury
Amy Sczerbowicz has been running consistently and feeling good!
Jennifer Sutton is making the move to maintain. After trying out the runs for a couple of weeks she feels ready to make the switch. We are excited for her, but will miss her in rebuild!
Kristen Frazier broke out her spinning wheel this week! She is a woman of many talents.
Elyn Macek was excited to get a chance to sing with her favorite quartet at church for the first time since March.
Amy Loukous has a great 10 mile run with BRF’s and got a great breakfast as a finish
Trisha Thorne has discovered that throwing in pickups make an amazing way to social distances when needed on the run.
Nicole Uhl has run more miles this week than any other week that didnt include a race AND she doesn’t hate herself physically or mentally. She has found her running family here and is grateful to be here! She notes “ who knew you didnt have to go hard all the time to feel accomplished”
Carissa Hatlig finished her quarantine 26.2!!!
Erin Nason did a 5k time trial for fun on the track and beat her EAT predicted time by 35 seconds even though it was way hotter now than when she did her EAT. Also her sister joined rebuild!!
Lisa Anderson celebrated her birthday this week with a birthday run with her husband and daughter.
Daniel Faltyn moved his run to the morning and was able to keep his heart rate exactly where he needed too.
What does it mean to be a sponsored athlete? How do you become one?
I’m struggling with transitioning back to work now that my state is opening back up. Any sage thoughts or encouraging ideas?
Can you talk about VO2 max. My watch calculates it and I was excited about seeing it go up as I’ve been rebuilding consistently, but it’s suddenly dropped like a rock. Any ideas what happened?
I don’t seem to be adapting to the heat as well as I do normally. Do you have any suggestions on how to help speed the adaptations along?
Evening MK. Can you touch on fueling in the context of the warmer weather? How far in advance of my run should I start drinking at what sort of volume? (assume I properly hydrated overnight.) Related question, on the run, any advice on frequency/volume? Any signs to look for that I may be drinking too little vs just having a crappy run? The following worked for me on Sats long run: 30 mins prior 16oz caffeine water, during the run had a total of 8oz of gatorade starting 45 mins in, finishing it all up by 100 mins in. Seemed to work for me. Could I do anything better?
Evening MK. Can you touch on stretching/warm up/cool down? In the context of Sats long run, what would be a reasonable stretching/warm up routine duration before and after? Is it more important to stretch before or after or are both important. Thanx in advance.
Hi MK, I’ve been running regularly since August, it something happened in the past two weeks and my running care to a screaching halt. I’ve been mixing your maintain work outs with peloton app treadmill runs and hit my highest monthly mileage in April. I’ve felt great from a running stand point. Until about two weeks ago. All of a sudden, I just didn’t want to go anymore. Running and meditation are my stress relievers and it certainly has been a stress relief during these hard months. I am so tired. I have t slept well since Jan. I’ve tried melatonin, L-theonine and Magnesium, but still struggle to sleep. I’m sure this is part of it. But now my HR is high during the day, just walking around the house. This morning while I was cooking my HR was 97! My resting HR for reference is low 50s, sometimes ever high 40s. My 140 pace is about 11min/mi. But now it’s waaaay up. Any idea what’s going on? I feel like I’ve been running on adrenaline for months and now have a big crash. But would this cause my HR to be elevated like this? I am hydrated. Any tips to recover from this and find my groove again would be much appreciated. Also, for sleeping, I’ve controlled all of the variable I can, even when I have a perfect sleep set up, I will fall asleep easily, but wake up just a few hours later and then struggle to fall back asleep.
Are there any slow burn classes going on this year?
1) I am currently going on the assumption that 3DATF is likely not to happen in October; however, if it is and we have recently completed the 100 mi training cycle, what should the plan be to ramp back up for 3DATF 48hr event?
2) If 3DATF is not going to happen, I still have a code (buried somewhere in email) for Slow Burn from last year's fund raiser. Is there a plan for Slow Burn to run sometime this fall? It seems like a great alternative to Ultra training.
After 3 months of working from home in quarantine I’m finding that I don’t like how I look in my clothes and I’m feeling kinda sluggish. I’d like to loose some weight so my clothes fit again do you have any tips of better ways to loose weight. Normally I would do some sort of 30 day super healthy restrictive thing, but from listening to you and Dalia is seems like that may not be the best option. What do you do when you’ve wanted to loose the last few pounds of baby weight?
General Heart Rate Group
Is there a way to purchase a monthly plan on Training Peaks without subscribing to Fitness Protection?
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Coach MK Fleming is the founder of Fitness Protection, LLC. Click HERE to download her most popular training plan, Tenacious AF, free!