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A Mixtape for You

Writer's picture: Mary-Katherine FlemingMary-Katherine Fleming

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

Reminder 2: I HAVE OFFICE HOURS! Talk to me!

February. THIS FREAKIN' MONTH. Whoever took out the 29th and 30th really needs to come for the 14th.

Love is a really, REALLY weird thing to explain. Valentine's Day, theoretically, is the day we try to show it AND remember to tell it (since we never say it enough).

I love you. Rather than explain ALL THE REASONS WHY, I thought I'd show you with a mixtape. (Two, actually!!) One for running in the dark, and one you can just rock out to.

I really, really REALLY hope you feel loved today. If not, please get into office hours and let me love you (link above).

I promise, I love you now and forever, no matter what. To me, you are perfect. You have always been perfect. Especially when you make mistakes. Especially when you are hurting. You see, those are the times when we need to feel love the most and have the hardest time finding it. Anyone can be there for the easy stuff- I'm here for the hard stuff. We are gonna get through the hard stuff, together.

Especially if I have to carry you. (don't dare me! I'll DO IT).

February is hard. Everything is better with this amazing community. I could not love you MOAR!!!!!

Playlist links again:

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Some of mentioned you don’t use Spotify, so I replicated the playlist in Apple Music! LMK if you prefer this! (I chose Spotify bc it’s free and works on all phones).

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Carrie Anne Runs
Carrie Anne Runs
30 ene 2022
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Awesome. I had copying your mix tape lists and making them in Apple Music for private use!

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