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Jarring July

Writer's picture: Mary-Katherine FlemingMary-Katherine Fleming

Updated: Jul 31, 2022

May it be our last one!

Big May Energy blue words on a yellow background over the Fitness Protection logo

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I didn't realize it then, but August 2019 was my last 'normal' August.

Normally, August is watching the sun rise during long runs that are no less than 14 miles long. It's enjoying the last bits of summer freedom before rigid school schedules close around us. It's pool parties and barbeques and my birthday and back to school shopping. It's ramping for fall marathons and deciding if we need any shorter races to boost our confidence or test our fitness. August 2019, I was recovering from an ooferectomy, determined to recover and resume training for the NYC Marathon. I couldn't run the way I wanted to, and I was angry at the disruption.

Isn't that cute? To consider THAT disruption? THE GOOD OL' DAYS!

I probably could have banged out 14 miles in August 2020, but August 2021? No way. Double no way right now, despite feeling miles better than I did last year. I wanted to believe this disruption would be shorter than it has been.

I've said since March 2020 that 2023 would be the first 'normal' racing calendar for most of us, not only because big races would be back in full swing but also because our society would have recovered enough to allow us to enjoy the simple pleasure of training for a race. With distance learning behind us and some people returning to the office, a sense of normalcy is returning, a stability in our schedules that will open up opportunities for things like daily workouts.

I am very, VERY hopeful that this will indeed be our last Abnormal August.

I have not yet given up on fall 2023 marathon season. My plan for the rest of the year is to continue to work on my health, building muscle and endurance to the point that I will be ready for 14-mile long runs while the sun rises next summer.

Right now, nothing is normal. This is why I'm not lamenting my (lack of) fitness or the fact that I am not ready to follow a training plan. I'm taking each day as it comes, listening to my body, hopeful as ever that in hindsight August 2022 will look a whole lot like August 2018- a ReBuilding year that preceded a comeback year.

The Great Disruption is coming to an end. We GOT this, guys!

Reminder: we are opening all of our programs up to the public for free until September 1. Forward this email to a friend who needs it!

I've said for years that no one over the age of 25 picks up a new hobby because they are bored. The beautiful thing about running is that everyone is running THROUGH something, so much so my running groups have felt like a safe space between a support group (where you only talk about The Thing) and work (where you must behave as though The Thing isn't happening). I wanted to create an online community with this in mind, giving everyone space and support to get what they need from each workout.

For July and August, we want to invite you and all of your friends to be #coachedandloved in our thriving online spaces. Download our plans for free. Run (or don't!). Schedule 1:1s with me in office hours. Get up As$ early and throw things with/at Coach Janet. Do what you want and ignore the rest.

If you've found disruption in any area of your life, we hope some of our messaging helps you get through. Whether you are able to run right now or not, whether you've hit the wall or sail past it without ever seeing it, we are here for you, helping with the hard stuff, through every stage in your journey.

If you want to join our community, you have two options:

  1. If you still use social media, Join one of our Online Spaces, either ReBuild or Maintain.

  2. If not, WE GET IT! Click here - this will prompt you to download our app and create a profile. Once you do, request to join Run or Strength, and I will let you in.

  3. If this is too confusing, reply to this email OR email and I will get you sorted!

Please DO NOT EVER FORGET: Every decision you've ever made was the right one at the time. Any day you choose muumuus and cheesecake and self-care is a GREAT DAY. It's adulting in action. If you aren't sure what's your best next step is, need help sorting through cheesecake options, or just wanna chat, PLEASE sign up for Office Hours and let me tell you how awesome you are. It's my most favoritest thing to do!

TP Code for both plans: SummerDaze

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7 opmerkingen

05 jul 2022

I’ve been sharing with a couple friends too. Thanks again

29 jun 2022

so excited to try to get some strength on…how do i do that!!

Reageren op

Will add you to the zoom/iCal invite!


Bad A$$ Brenda
Bad A$$ Brenda
28 jun 2022

Will share widely!!


Bad A$$ Brenda
Bad A$$ Brenda
28 jun 2022

This is an amazing gift! I hope I can entice my friend Meagan to participate with us.

Reageren op

Here is the link to share:

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